Monday, July 26, 2010

A new chapter of life will begin tonite.

Blessed the nite of Nisfu Syaaban.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sometimes i wonder, why i cant or hesitate to make my own decisions.

When ive decided on certain things, i tend to back off
just because........

This morning, i almost reached the destination im going,
but just because..........

I turned back.

But the best part, i didnt feel regret ,
infact , i laughed it off. silly !

Now, i begin to tell myself...whatever the challenges of the moment,
it will definitely pass.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Reality.

The Truth.


If I want something i've never had before,
I've got to do something I've never done before.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh dear... there reason i leave this space unattended, is because,
ive forgotten what is the password. Ive mixed up the password here
with the other bad. !

Anywayy, life has been the usual,eventhou, ive been having
lots of thoughts and observed few matters that allowed me to
think and reflect.

I want to make a decision but im not sure if i should.
If i ever make that decision, im not sure if the situation allowed.

The line between waiting and being patience , is a fine one.
Waiting is more like putting on hold...while patience makes me
feel having the ability accept delay .

All too often, the patience are lacking.... :(

Im not confused, i just need to pick
the area that im weak on it and i believe,
success will come later.