Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Another brand new week with the same ol' routine.

The Saturday, hubby and me went to a Bangle ceremony of his cousin's wife, who is on her 3rd trimester of pregnancy. It was hosted at the wife's parent's home . It is more like lenggang perut , as what us Malay would called ..or in other terms will be baby shower like dat, only this one is more for the mother instead of the unborn baby.

This is more of a traditional practise of the Indians .The pregnant woman will be dressed in sari like a bride..she'll sit in the centre of the house, for everyone to see. Some rites will be done..like the breaking of coconut and prayers .

It has to begin at an auspicious time (for this one , 11am) and as many close relatives and friends (not for singles) put the bangles into her hands , the better. The jingles jangles of the bangles is believed to be good for the baby's ears.

The whole colourful process has to end by 12nn (for this case) .

Sharmini, the pregnant cousin's wife, looked so radiant and cheerful, albeit her weight gained due to the pregnancy. It was after 12years of trying ...plus the agony of going thru IVF, she finally conceived.


Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

dont think the rest of that stuff was islamic but
aww mashallah im reali glad she finally got to conceive thats great
12 years wow
talk about never losing hope mashallah

Queen said...

salam thatis so nice, i know a lot of relatives that concieved after a long time, one after 10 yrs, another 2 after 12 years mashllah

NoR said...


yes,its not Islamic, cos they are non muslim :)

NoR said...


yup...the feeling must be so rocket high after long waiting..:)

Aishah said...

So happy for her! 12 years is a long wait. By the way Nor, this bangle ceremony is also practised by the Indian Muslims but they never break coconuts etc. Been to one when I was in India visiting dh's relative.

NoR said...


yes, i tink some Indian muslim still have certain similiar practises...

i cant wait to see their baby, cos,sharmini and sathesh (her dh) are such a lovely pair. :)