Monday, March 26, 2007

Wat !.......It's already Monday !!

March is maching off soon.

Maulidur Rasul is here & everywhere .

Im gonna be a year older next month... how interesting can that be !!
Does this mean , wisdom of the wise and experience of the age ? or izzit age doesnt always bring wisdom ? watever that means.........

I'd rather say wisdom comes in all shapes and sizes..& the wisdom of life consists in the elimination of 'bout that ? :P


Ummi's Blog said...

sis.. will u be attending any maulid at our local mosques ? maybe we can meet ?....

NoR said...

im not sure yet if im going to the mosques (tentatively east side)...unless time permits, insya allah.

Raihana Ab said...

Salam nor, i tak ingat sapa lah fren.. Pls let me know in details k.