Monday, April 7, 2008

I have to pre-order this book from TIMES the bookstore a week ago, due to their lack of stocks in thier Tampines branch. Collected it last Friday, and voila!.

This book is abt a 16 yo Amal, an Australian-Palestinian who somehow struggles to don the hijab "full time" while juggling btwn BGR and other teenagers issues and racism. Im unable to give the full review of the book , as im only in chapter 5..nonetheless, im liking it thou.

A little snippets ..."What's my class going to say on Monday when i walk in wearing the Muslim veil for the first time? Oh boy, will there freak out. Shawling up? In fron of the kids of Year Eleven? It would be easier to walk naked?"

Comments :

" Funny & Brave" ..." It's a book abt defiance,determination,intelligence and self-respect"

Thanks to my dear frend, Yati for recommending this book. :)

I reckon, after this im gonna look for the book "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" and dang ! im soooo gonna watch the movie if it's coming here.....saw the trailer and read the synopsis, it's a MUST watch !

Ps:can someone tell me where can i get the book ?

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