Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nothing much has been happening lately.

Life is still the norm.

I'm trying to start reading books again...which ive been soo lacking lately.

But, reading the Holy Quran has always bring calmness in me.

**Edited at 1715hrs **
Alhamdulillah,HE has just granted me another time (my personal 2nd time)of qatamul Quran,just after my Asr prayer. May HE grant you the same nikmah.
Insya allah, amiin.

While hubby is still away in Shanghai , with kids and myself on our own, i have the necessary time of being alone and do my own self reflections.

Many things Ive learned and make me grow along the way.

I realised , as long as i allow myself to see beauty things that surrounds me, life is but , full of blessings. :)

Beauty that abounds with my loved ones and my relationship with them.
Each one has its own unique way, that is different fm anyone else.

Beauty in everyday things ......the crystal morning dews on my plants and even the soft comfort of my bed at the end of the day.

Our moment of life is filled with such beauty that we sometimes tend to neglect.

Take time to stop and smell the roses.

Today, I choose to discover and cherish the beauty that comes with each moment of this wonderful day in my life .

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