Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dearest , Sharmila

You came into my world , so tiny and small
I placed your little hand in mine,
I know , you are mine till end of time.
You're growing so fast, it sends me awhirl.
I watched you cry,laughed and grow
I cannot imagine , one day I will have to let you go
You bring joy in my life
Your smile removes all my strife.
You are a blessing from Him
That, I cannot deny
My little baby is 9yo today

Happy Birthday !



Aryna said...

Auuww......such a sweet entry for a sweet girl....

Happy 9th Bday, Sharmila!!

Semoga menjadi anak yg solehah, taat pada Allah dan taat pada ibubapa. Amin... :)

NoR said...
