Friday, the little birdie died . Here's a pic i took on my 2nd floor kitchen window , while Akesh and his friend , Zenith , burying little birde. :(
Saturday, morning was spent in the skool, meet-the-parents session. For my case, im all alone (as hubby is not back yet) meeting teachers/cikgu(s) respectively.......an exhausted (mentally) 2hrs ! **Phew**
After zuhr, i navigated myself and somehow lost my way, while driving to Bukit Timah Plaza, for a wedding receptions at Lagun Sari restaurant. Finally, i managed to find the place. *phew*
Ended at my mom's, before we decided to have some fresh air at Changi Beach. There's so many happy campers & happy families around ...we sat and ate and talked for abt an hour or so, then we left the place..
Sunday, i had and early start (
esp for such a wkend). My family , spend our time , at
Harmony Centre @ an Nahdhah mosque. It's located at Bishan.
This guided tour was organised by
pls click) , Sis Sylvia and myself are the co-ordinators for this tour. There's abt 20 over people in the group..including the children..(**
prefably primary skool going kids)
The tour started abt 10.30am , and we were divided in 4 groups with individual tour guide or docent (
tis is the correct term used) , to actually bring us around and explained to us abt diffrent aspects of Islam.
There's board-like-informations abt Islam.. about some famous Muslim personalities that have contributed so much in the world of astronomy...medicines ..architectures etc.
As i was guided along and being explained by our tour guide , bro Saiful, (
hope i got his name right), i realised that i learned a lot of new things abt the my religion. I didnt know that Chinese explorer , Zheng De or Cheng Ho , was a Muslim.
Plastic surgery was invented by a Muslim, while cheese was first made in the Middle East.
Now that i also know, there's actually 10 officials religions here, in Singapore .
Moved on to the 2nd floor, we got to see some of the Islamic artifacts..Quran of various sizes , head gears for men from different places of the world , calligraphy.. etc.
After the guided tour, we proceeded to an auditorium . We have the priviliged to watch a video of pilgrimage to Haj. After the video ended , we had a little Q & A or rather sharing of ideas, sharing our thots and experiences abt the center or abt Islam. Some suggestions were posted to Bro Afdhal and his teammates.
The group of kids (
my kids included) really enjoyed their tour, guided by Sis Maria. There'll be an
Astronomy camp this coming Tuesday, 13thMarch07 , for the lower primary kids. My son is interested to participate, so, ive signed him up for it. It's a whole day camp (10am -10pm), where kids will learn abt the cosmic surroundings,.. the planets and probably gazing at the stars and experience using the telescope to look at Saturn (if they are lucky) ! I hope it will be beneficial to Akesh , as well for the other kids participants...Insya allah.
We had some light snacks after that , mingling amongst ourselves for a little bit and i would say, it was indeed a great way to start the day...Alhamdullillah.
Bro Afdhal frm Muis/Harmony Ctr and his teammates, did a wonderful job ! :)
For those who has the some time to spare, i would very much encouraged you, to have a peep at this beautiful place of worship. For visits to the Harmony Ctr , no admission fee is required & they are open from 9am - 5pm , Monday - Sundays (except Public Holidays) .
If you need guided tour to the Ctr, the minimum group size is abt 10 pax & you have to make prior arrangement. Otherwise , u are welcomed to visit the center on your own at the following times.
butterflies (
pls click) isolde ..thank u for coming .